Tell them to hit you up after it’s been sitting on the lot for six months.
There’s no way. I’ve been selling these for under MSRP for months. That’s just a bad dealership.
April said:
There’s no way. I’ve been selling these for under MSRP for months. That’s just a bad dealership.
Wish I could even afford it under MSRP.
Screenshot the offer and send it to another dealer. See if they’ll beat it. Repeat.
Because people keep paying it.
My response? ‘Nope.’
Dealers are out of control, but people still fall for it. That’s the problem.
They’re just throwing out a high price hoping someone bites. Counter at $7,500 under MSRP.
FordWorrior said:
They’re just throwing out a high price hoping someone bites. Counter at $7,500 under MSRP.
Exactly. I’d say, ‘Sure, I’ll pay the extra $10k if I can watch you wrestle a shark first.’
Just say no and move on.
Never paid a markup, never will. Walk away. If they really want to sell, they’ll call you back.
Just wait a little while. They’ll be desperate to sell soon enough.
Ken was looking for a deal like that. Ken deez fit in your mouth?
Never had a dealership try this on me.
Simple supply and demand. F-150s are selling under MSRP.
I just say, ‘Get bent.’
Someone will buy it. Not me, but someone.
Tell them they just convinced you to buy private instead, and when they get hungry, they can eat that truck.