What is this thing?

Is this a button? What does it do? It’s not labeled, and I don’t want to press it if it’s something like an SOS button or something serious. I couldn’t find anything about it in the owner’s manual.

It’s actually the temperature and humidity sensor. It’s not a button, and it’s definitely not a camera.

Yep, just a sensor. Some people think it’s an interior motion sensor for the security system, but it’s really just a thermistor.

I wish it was placed lower because the AC stays on longer than necessary. I set mine to 75, but it feels like it’s blasting cold air for too long.

You haven’t pressed it yet? What are you waiting for? The rest of us pressed it as soon as we got the car!

It’s just an ambient temperature and humidity sensor.

BrianCopeland said:
Is this a button? What does it do? It’s not labeled, and I don’t want to press it if it’s something like an SOS button or something serious. I couldn’t find anything about it in the owner’s manual.

It’s so Big Brother can help you.

BrianCopeland said:
Is this a button? What does it do? It’s not labeled, and I don’t want to press it if it’s something like an SOS button or something serious. I couldn’t find anything about it in the owner’s manual.

That’s the Tom Cruise button. It’s why they call it the Maverick.

BrianCopeland said:
Is this a button? What does it do? It’s not labeled, and I don’t want to press it if it’s something like an SOS button or something serious. I couldn’t find anything about it in the owner’s manual.

It’s there to make sure you don’t do anything inappropriate.

BrianCopeland said:
Is this a button? What does it do? It’s not labeled, and I don’t want to press it if it’s something like an SOS button or something serious. I couldn’t find anything about it in the owner’s manual.

Self-destruct button!

BrianCopeland said:
Is this a button? What does it do? It’s not labeled, and I don’t want to press it if it’s something like an SOS button or something serious. I couldn’t find anything about it in the owner’s manual.

That’s the driver alertness monitor. I had to Google it!

BrianCopeland said:
Is this a button? What does it do? It’s not labeled, and I don’t want to press it if it’s something like an SOS button or something serious. I couldn’t find anything about it in the owner’s manual.

I’ve seen this question asked a lot, so it must be pretty common!

BrianCopeland said:
Is this a button? What does it do? It’s not labeled, and I don’t want to press it if it’s something like an SOS button or something serious. I couldn’t find anything about it in the owner’s manual.

You should put tape over it and wear a tinfoil hat… just in case!