What happened with your sunroof shattering

Same here, never had this issue.

Did any of them have the panoramic sunroof? That appears to be the problematic one.

Kendall said:
I’ve never had an issue with sunroofs, so can’t relate to your problem.

Never heard this was a common issue. My guess would be road debris hit it.

Kendall said:
I’ve never had an issue with sunroofs, so can’t relate to your problem.

Tempered glass of any kind is susceptible to impact shattering from stones. A tiny nick in the surface can cause the entire panel to shatter. Emergency personnel use automatic center punches to break tempered glass car windows to remove people quickly. Tempered glass is made by heating glass and rapidly cooling both surfaces, which makes it much stronger than untreated glass. It also breaks into tiny pieces instead of sharp shards when it shatters. This was done to improve safety in car accidents. I haven’t seen many sunroof breakages in our dealership, but removable sunroofs and T-roofs had more breakages.