So I saw my dream Ford on the way home from school … is this normal

I was walking home from school and spotted this Ford Flex. It’s been my dream car for a while now. What do you all think about it

Weird flex but okay

Murphy said:
Weird flex but okay


Murphy said:
Weird flex but okay

If I had awards you’d get one

You ain’t flexin unless you’re Ford flexin :fire:

Robert said:
You ain’t flexin unless you’re Ford flexin :fire:

U ain’t focused unless ur a Ford focus :fire:

Damn man dream bigger. I mean the Flex is cool but still

I saw one of these do the 1/4 mile in 9.5

Hunter said:
I saw one of these do the 1/4 mile in 9.5


Trey said:

Hunter said:
I saw one of these do the 1/4 mile in 9.5



Hunter said:
I saw one of these do the 1/4 mile in 9.5

I think it’s possible with the right mods

Sidney said:

Hunter said:
I saw one of these do the 1/4 mile in 9.5

I think it’s possible with the right mods

I call bull actually the fastest 3.5 liter economists haven’t even cracked the sound barrier according to my data analyst :man_shrugging::thinking:

Hunter said:
I saw one of these do the 1/4 mile in 9.5

Bull unless it has some weird engine swap. Fastest 3.5 EcoBoost haven’t even cracked into the 10s

I think you’re confusing dreams with sleep paralysis demons

I almost got one a few years ago but it was just too expensive. Still one of the most comfortable cars I’ve been in. I’d get one if the price and mileage were right

Dream much bigger like a Ford GT

CharlotteAmelia said:
Dream much bigger like a Ford GT


That’s a scary dream

Ah a fellow deep freezer enjoyer

FordFanaticFrank said:
Ah a fellow deep freezer enjoyer

The American Honda Element :joy: