Is it too late to do a drain and fill?

I have a 2018 2.5L with almost 70k miles, and everything seems fine, except for the hard shift in the mornings when it’s cold. I haven’t done a drain and fill yet, and I’m worried that doing it now might cause issues. Should I be concerned, or is it okay to schedule it with my next oil change?

I think a drain and fill should be fine. Just avoid doing a full flush.

I plan on doing mine every other oil change, regardless of the cost. It’s important to keep the transmission in good shape. I have a 2016 S 2.5L with 71,000 miles.

Christian said:
I plan on doing mine every other oil change, regardless of the cost. It’s important to keep the transmission in good shape. I have a 2016 S 2.5L with 71,000 miles.

I also do a drain and fill every other oil change. I have a 2018 Ford Ecosport that I bought used with 38,000 miles on it, and I think it helps keep the transmission running smoothly.

There are lots of forums discussing this, and the general consensus is that if your transmission isn’t acting up, a drain and fill won’t cause harm, even at 70k miles. I did mine at 150k without any issues. However, if you’re having transmission problems, a drain and fill won’t fix them. Check the fluid’s color—if it’s red, it’s good to change it; if it’s brown and smells burnt, don’t change it and expect issues soon.

I did a drain and fill on my wife’s Fusion at 135k miles, as it had never been done before. It was just fine and even helped smooth out a hard shift from 1st to 2nd. Don’t do a flush though, and you should never do one anyway.

I bought my 2017 used with 150k miles. I did a drain and fill with no issues.

My 2018 needed a new transmission at 80,000 miles. After getting the new one, I drained and filled it after just 12,000 miles, just because.

It’s never too late. I’m almost at 70k miles and will do mine as soon as spring comes.

Do a drain and fill using Motorcraft Original Mercon LV, and add a container of Lube Guard Synthetic Protectant. It works great.

I’ve done this with four Fusions (2.0T, 2.5L, and 3.0L engines), and they all shifted much better after.

I’m at 130k miles and I’m wondering the same thing. I have the same hard shift in the mornings when it’s cold. I want to do a drain and fill, but I’m a little scared.

My shifting issues disappeared when I turned off the adaptive learning on the transmission using Forscan.

esleystanley said:
My shifting issues disappeared when I turned off the adaptive learning on the transmission using Forscan.

How do you turn off adaptive learning? I feel like 1-2 shifts are fine, but it stays in 2nd for too long before shifting to 3rd, and 3-4 isn’t smooth either. I think it’s just a poorly timed shift.

You’ll need a laptop running Windows and a Forscan adapter. I use my MacBook with Forscan, and you get a free month of it. You can turn off adaptive learning in the Forscan software.

esleystanley said:
You’ll need a laptop running Windows and a Forscan adapter. I use my MacBook with Forscan, and you get a free month of it. You can turn off adaptive learning in the Forscan software.

Thank you!

I did mine at 95k miles, probably for the first time, and it made a huge difference. The torque converter response is much better and the shifts are smoother. It’s still a bit harsh when cold, but it warms up faster and shifts better. I also don’t get the jerky 5/6 shifts like I did before.

I didn’t do mine until 80k, but I wish I had done it earlier.

Drain and fill should be fine. Just avoid doing a flush and fill. Only take out 5 quarts at most.

Carlos said:
Drain and fill should be fine. Just avoid doing a flush and fill. Only take out 5 quarts at most.

Why should I avoid a flush and fill? I just bought an 18 with 70k miles and I’m trying to figure out what I should and shouldn’t do.