Has anyone had a major electrical issue in the snow with their 2020 Titanium Hybrid?

I bought a 2020 Titanium Hybrid a month ago from a dealership. I’m really enjoying the car, but we’ve already had to take it back for service, so I’m wondering if anyone here has experienced the same issues.

First off, there’s an annoying but not critical issue. FordPass won’t connect at all. I’ve called tech support four times, updated SYNC, and tried every reset, including the Konami code, but nothing works. The car does recognize my phone via USB and Bluetooth, which is something. I can use Android Auto, but it flickers on and off, which is really frustrating.

The second issue is much more concerning. Where I live, we get a lot of snow and slush, and I’ve tried using the different modes (slippery, sport, deep snow/sand) when we’ve gotten stuck. It’s easy to get stuck in roadside drifts or low spots, and that’s happened to us twice now. We had to have neighbors help us push out.

Then, the car started giving the ‘Stop Safely Now’ warning when we started it. Not while driving, but before it even went into gear. If we press ‘OK’, the warning goes away, and it says the car is ready to drive. But that’s kind of weird.

The car seems to perform fine, but today the red triangle warning light came on, indicating a major electrical system failure. I pulled over in a dry parking lot to call my dealer and set up an appointment to get it checked out. But when I turned the car back on, the light and warning were gone, of course.

The dealership kept my car to look into the issue, but I wanted to ask here if anyone has had similar experiences. The car had one previous owner and only 32K miles on it.

The red triangle warning light came on suggesting a major electrical system failure

This needs more info, there is no warning light for that.

“High Voltage Electric System Failure”

It’s listed here under ‘Warning Lights’: https://www.ford.com/support/how-tos/more-vehicle-topics/lights-and-bulbs/what-do-the-lights-on-my-dashboard-mean/

It appears in red on the far right side of the dashboard display, just above the incline indicator.