Color code for 7 way trailer plug

Hey everyone, I’m in the middle of wiring my RV’s 7-way trailer plug and realized I’m not sure which colors correspond to which functions. I’ve got the plug all set up but the color codes on my vehicle don’t seem to match any diagrams I’ve found online. Can anyone help me with the standard color code for a 7-way trailer plug? Thanks in advance!

The color codes can vary depending on the manufacturer and the specific vehicle. These are the general standard that’s widely used:

Brown: Tail light
Yellow: Left turn signal
Green: Right turn signal
White: Running lights
Blue: Brake lights
Black: Ground
Orange: Reverse lights

Markers are brown, ground is white, turns are green and yellow, brakes are blue, reversing is purple, and a 12 volt source is black.

To wire your 7-way trailer plug, use the following general color code: brown for backup lights, green for left turn, yellow for right turn, white for running lights, blue for brake lights, black for ground, and orange for reverse lights.