I’ve heard mixed things about this. Some say it’s fine since it’s factory-installed, others say cops might pull you over for it. Anyone know for sure?
Nope. Plenty of people drive old cop cars, spotlight and all.
It’s not illegal because it comes from the factory, but if you add anything that makes people think you’re a cop, that’s when it becomes a problem. If the police think you’re trying to impersonate an officer, they might add charges.
Police cars don’t come with badges from the factory. Departments add them later.
Zephyr said:
Police cars don’t come with badges from the factory. Departments add them later.
Actually, the POLICE INTERCEPTOR badge on the back is factory-installed. The big graphics and decals come later from third-party upfitters.
Didn’t Ford put the Interceptor badge on turbo models from 2011 to 2019?
Rowan said:
Didn’t Ford put the Interceptor badge on turbo models from 2011 to 2019?
I think Ford did it at the factory before 2020, but newer models have it added by an upfitter.
You’re right, I misunderstood. My bad. Should’ve paid more attention.
No, it’s not illegal.
Depends on where you live. Different places have different laws. Where are you from?
Makayla said:
Depends on where you live. Different places have different laws. Where are you from?
I’m in New Jersey, USA.
If your car came with it, you’re fine. The problem is if you start adding lights or pretending to be a cop.
You definitely can’t have ‘police’ written anywhere on your personal car. Even old patrol cars didn’t have that from the factory.
It’s not an Explorer, it’s a Police Interceptor Utility. That’s the actual model name.
The interceptor badge is tiny, like 3 inches wide. Every old cop car I’ve seen at auction still had it, even though all the big markings were removed. If cops really had a problem with it, they’d make sure it got taken off.
Looked it up, and the rear badge might actually be illegal. Better to be safe than sorry. But I don’t think the front one is an issue.