Anyone else having trouble with the trunk door opening by itself in the garage?

My wife and I have been dealing with a strange issue recently. Sometimes when we go into the garage, the trunk will be open, even though we haven’t touched the keys or opened it ourselves. I have a Ring camera in the garage, and I’ve captured footage of it opening in the middle of the night and sometimes staying open for hours before closing itself. Often, it stays open until we manually close it.
Has anyone else experienced this? We’re worried it might happen when we’re out in public.

Never heard of anything like that.

The 2021 premiums have the auto lift gate sensor that lets you open it with a foot gesture, like a kick.

Is there anything underneath the car, like a tow hitch, that might be causing this?

I think there’s an option in the settings to disable that feature. If you don’t need it, you could try turning it off and see if that helps.

Imagine if this turned out to be a sign of a mouse problem!

Tatum said:
Imagine if this turned out to be a sign of a mouse problem!

Or maybe giant termites.

I think it only happens when the key or PAK is close by.

I’ve had that happen. It’s probably a shadow or something that’s triggering the sensor. If you leave the car unlocked, it could make it worse.

In my case, the keys were in my pocket and accidentally pressed the trunk release while I was sitting down. Since I was inside the house, it was close enough for the sensor to activate.

I had this happen a couple of years ago and it caused a big scratch on the tailgate when it scraped against the garage door hinge. Luckily, Ford covered the $800 repaint under warranty. Since then, I turned off the ‘kick to open’ feature. I also added a foam pad to the hinge just in case the sensor gets triggered again.

Same thing happened to me! I’ve got permanent scratches on the hatch from hitting the ceiling. I didn’t know that could be covered by warranty. After that, I turned it off and haven’t used it again.

I complained on, and Ford actually reached out to me about it. It was a nice surprise.

Same story here. It’s interesting to hear that the trunk opened and closed by itself. I just turned off the ‘kick to open’ feature, too.

I guess that explains why they don’t offer that feature anymore.

This happened to me twice. I took it to the dealer, and they contacted Ford software, but they couldn’t recreate the problem. Ford said nothing was wrong. I just left the scratches as a reminder. Now I park closer to the garage wall to keep the trunk from opening when the garage door moves. It was really annoying because there were no issues for months, and then it started happening. I think Ford might have adjusted the sensor sensitivity through a software update.

Mine has been doing something similar lately. Sometimes when I plug in my EVSE, the trunk pops open. It’s happened about three times in the last month, and I charge most nights.

Thanks for all the replies! I’m going to turn off the ‘kick to open’ feature and see if that fixes the issue.

It happened twice in my garage, and the trunk hit the door, leaving a small dent.

It only happened once for me, and that was during a big snowstorm. I probably drove into the garage with snow on the bottom of the car.