2019 Escape Headlight Replacement - Is $250 Reasonable?

2019 Escape Headlight Replacement - Is $250 Reasonable?

I was recently quoted $250 at my local Ford dealership to replace a headlight bulb in my 2019 Escape. They told me that the high cost is because the “front end of the car needs to be taken off” to replace the bulb. This seems really steep for just one bulb.

Has anyone here replaced their headlights themselves on a 2019 Escape? How difficult was it, and what bulbs did you use? I’m wondering if it’s worth trying to do it myself or if the dealership’s explanation and price are justified. Any advice or experiences would be greatly appreciated!

Taking off the whole front end to replace a bulb is a classic dealership scare tactic.

Most 2019 Escapes have easily accessible headlight assemblies. You can find replacement bulbs online for a fraction of that cost.

If you’re a bit handy, replacing it yourself is a straightforward DIY job. There are plenty of online tutorials to guide you.