I have a 2024 F350 with the high output 6.7 engine. I’ve been reading that the fuel pump has some issues but lasts longer when using fuel additives at each fill-up. What do people recommend for the best fuel additive?
I’ve been using Hotshot in my 2021 and 2024 F350, no issues.
Repair Geek and Motor Oil Geek (YouTube) did a collab video on this topic. Hotshots and Archoil are good value options based on their research. Opti-lube XPD had the highest marks, but it’s five times the cost of Hotshots.
I wish they compared a double dose of Hotshots to XPD—it would still be much cheaper.
He has the high output engine. He should be using XPD.
JackCraft42 said:
He has the high output engine. He should be using XPD.
Do you have any info to back that up?
The high output and standard engines are 99% the same. All the fuel system parts are identical.
I use Archoil, no complaints. There’s a lot of debate on which one is the best, but any fuel additive is better than none, in my opinion.
I run Hotshot in my 2020 F250. No issues.
Project Farm on YouTube did a video on diesel additives, and lubricity is one of the tests. Hotshot ranks high based on his tests, which are function-based, hopefully leading to better fuel system performance.
Some additives are just ‘feel-good’ products with not much data to show their effectiveness. I hope it works!
What about what an engine builder recommends?
Dave has many videos on CP4 fuel pump failures and 6.7L weak points. Worth checking out.
Dave is just one opinion. You know what they say about opinions.
Hotshot Secret
I use Hotshot.
The Ford Motorcraft one works well.
Project Farm just did a video recently. Hotshot was his recommended lubricant. Highly recommend watching the video.
I exclusively use R99 diesel. It has higher cetane and better lubricity than regular #2.
I was going to suggest Hotshots, but since you mentioned it’s the ‘high output’ version, I think you might need something more to handle the power that engine makes.
Money is probably the issue. You bought the truck, so maybe just let the mechanic handle it.
We use Amsoil Diesel All-in-One in all our fleet’s 6.7’s, every fill-up. It’s the best one out there.
Payton said:
We use Amsoil Diesel All-in-One in all our fleet’s 6.7’s, every fill-up. It’s the best one out there.
From the tests Project Farm did, it ranked pretty low.