Trying to drop my Ranger but not sure what setup to go with. What drop height do you guys think looks best? Also, what brand kits are worth getting?
Ty said:
Man, that’s a clean-looking truck!
Appreciate it, bro!
I did smaller springs and a leaf flip kit on my ‘96 back in the day. No clue what brands they were, it’s been way too long. If I were dropping an older 2WD now, I’d probably just go for a full airbag setup and do it right.
If you still want to use it as a truck, a 2/3” drop would be practical. If you just want it to look good, go for a 3/5👌 DJM has a Twin I-Beam drop kit, or you can grab a flip kit off eBay. Just don’t cheap out on shocks.
Would a 3/4 drop look good? Also, will I need to cut anything?
MustangMania1 said:
Would a 3/4 drop look good? Also, will I need to cut anything?
3/4 would be nice, but a 3/5 would sit more level. If your truck isn’t rusty, you shouldn’t have to cut anything—maybe just grind a bit on the flip kit in the rear. There are some good YouTube videos on lowering 93-97 Rangers.
I checked DJM’s website, and the only drop kit I found was a 3/4.
MustangMania1 said:
I checked DJM’s website, and the only drop kit I found was a 3/4.
That’ll work for sure, man. It’s gonna look sick.
I think it looks best when the gap between the tire and fender is even all around. I’d also go with bigger rims but keep the sidewall height the same.
Didn’t even know drop kits for these were a thing. Haven’t seen one yet, but I’ve been looking more at small lifts (1-3 inches).
If I end up swapping a 302 into mine, I’ll probably lower it instead.