Just got a 2016 model… any advice on maintenance?

I just bought a 2016 model with 120k miles. It runs great, but sometimes it shifts a bit hard from first to second gear. I’ve heard this is common, but since I don’t know if the transmission fluid has ever been changed, should I go for a transmission fluid flush?

Never do a flush, just change the fluid. What engine do you have? Hopefully it’s the 2.5L.

Ace said:
Never do a flush, just change the fluid. What engine do you have? Hopefully it’s the 2.5L.

It’s the 1.5T.

Charlotte said:

Ace said:
Never do a flush, just change the fluid. What engine do you have? Hopefully it’s the 2.5L.

It’s the 1.5T.


Ace said:

Charlotte said:
Ace said:
Never do a flush, just change the fluid. What engine do you have? Hopefully it’s the 2.5L.

It’s the 1.5T.


Is that a bad thing?

A lot of people report coolant intrusion issues between 70k and 115k miles. Also, personally, I think a turbo on a low-power car is unnecessary since it’s just another part that could fail eventually.

My 2017’s engine needed replacing at 90,000 kilometers.


Is this the 1.5?

Charlotte said:
Is this the 1.5?

Yes, it’s a 2013 model.

Charlotte said:
Is this the 1.5?

Just use full synthetic oil, change your transmission fluid every 30k miles. Drain and fill, but DO NOT FLUSH!!! Seriously, don’t flush the transmission. Also, change the coolant every 45k to 60k miles.

Charlotte said:

Ace said:
Never do a flush, just change the fluid. What engine do you have? Hopefully it’s the 2.5L.

It’s the 1.5T.

I just hit 200,000 miles on my 1.5. Here’s what I’ve learned to save you some time. The brakes, specifically the master cylinder behind the battery, died at 110,000 miles. The transmission needed repairs around 120,000 miles. The valve cover had to be replaced at 160,000 miles. Other than that, it’s been a smooth ride. Quiet and comfortable. If you take care of it, it’ll take care of you. The turbo feels like a gimmick, but it helps in snow if you shift between gears 1 and 2. Enjoy your new ride .

What exactly needed repair in the transmission? How much did it cost? And what about the valve cover repair?

Charlotte said:
What exactly needed repair in the transmission? How much did it cost? And what about the valve cover repair?

The teeth in the transmission were worn down and needed replacing. It was expensive because I was far from home and had to use a local mechanic. I paid $1,200, but transmission repairs can range from $800 to $2,500 depending on the damage. The valve cover was only $200 since I bought the part myself, and it took the mechanic two hours to fix. You’ll know the valve cover is failing if you see oil leaking directly under it.

Did you take it to the dealer for the transmission repair?

Charlotte said:
Did you take it to the dealer for the transmission repair?

No, I took it to a transmission specialist.

I drove my 2.0T to 220k miles before selling it.

Nice color! I have a 2014 with the same color and engine. I recently had the rear seal on the transmission replaced. It was leaking, and I was experiencing hard shifting. Now it’s smooth as butter.

Williamson said:
Nice color! I have a 2014 with the same color and engine. I recently had the rear seal on the transmission replaced. It was leaking, and I was experiencing hard shifting. Now it’s smooth as butter.

Did you change the transmission fluid too? Did you replace part of it or all of it?

I didn’t change it, but the mechanic did. They replaced the seal and some other parts. They had to drop the transmission to do it.