It might be totaled. You could trade it in for an ST… Just kidding. You can either take the panel off and hammer it from the other side to get it back into shape, or look for a matching panel at a junkyard or parts store. You can also order a new one online and paint it yourself, but that’s probably too much work for the hassle.
It’s easier said than done… that’s a tough repair
Junkyard’s cheap and easy. Find a matching color, YouTube the fix, and you’re set.
You don’t need a new panel. Try taking off the wheel well cover and see if you can press the dent out from inside. Use a heat gun to stretch the surface while pressing out. For the scratches, a paint match from a local dealership can work. It won’t be perfect but it’ll be less noticeable.
Option 1: take it to a garage and get it fixed. Option 2: leave it as is. Option 3: report it to insurance and they’ll get it fixed.
johnstone said:
Option 1: take it to a garage and get it fixed. Option 2: leave it as is. Option 3: report it to insurance and they’ll get it fixed.
Don’t use insurance. They tend to make things worse. If you can deal with the dent, that’s the best way. Try pressing it out; it’ll be a bit uneven around the edges but it’s better than just leaving it. Alternatively, buy a second-hand panel. Check out this link for one that costs less than a new one. You can find a video on how to replace it yourself, or pay a garage for just an hour of labor. If you want a new one, it’s going to cost more and might need painting.
Great reply! OP, check out the link. By the way, you can remove everything after the ?.
Maybe try using a bathroom plunger and some boiling hot water?
Kade said:
Maybe try using a bathroom plunger and some boiling hot water?
You could try finding a used fender that’s the same color and just bolt it on. Or, get a funny ‘band-aid’ sticker to cover the dent.
Paintless dent repair (PDR) and buffing or repainting would likely cost more than getting a matching fender from a junkyard. Personally, I prefer using a rubber mallet from the inside, it’s free.
Paintless dent repair specialists are great and usually affordable. I had a repair done below and you couldn’t even tell.
Try pressing it out from the inside by removing the wheel arch inner liner. If you can take the whole quarter panel off, you can push the dent out from behind. The paint doesn’t seem damaged much, so you should be fine.
Find a matching panel. Take it to a body shop if you’re not confident in doing it yourself.
Jack up the car, remove the wheel, pour boiling hot water on the panel for 10-20 seconds, then tap it from the inside. It should work.
Just get a second-hand fender. Hopefully, it matches in color so you don’t have to spray it. The high quotes are because they buy a new panel and need to paint it.
Check out paintless dent removal techniques.
I’m a car painter. If you want to paint it, you’ll need to blend the door too. You can try PDR (paintless dent removal) and touch up the scratches. Or go through insurance if it’s worth it for you. Hope this helps.