Just got a brand-new 2024 Big Bend 2-door in December. I’ve only driven about 700 miles, but my oil level shows 93%. Is this something to worry about, or is it totally normal? Should I check with the dealer?
Are you talking about the ‘Oil Life’ reading on the screen? That’s just a countdown for when you need an oil change, not how much oil is actually in there. Check the dipstick under the hood to see the real oil level.
Oh wow, that makes sense now. I feel a little silly! Thanks for explaining!
Lawson said:
Oh wow, that makes sense now. I feel a little silly! Thanks for explaining!
No problem, we’ve all been there!
Are you looking at the dashboard display? That’s oil life, not oil level. 93% after 700 miles sounds about right.
Marlow said:
Are you looking at the dashboard display? That’s oil life, not oil level. 93% after 700 miles sounds about right.
Didn’t realize that, thanks!
Your car doesn’t have a sensor for oil level, only for oil life. You’re good, nothing to worry about.
I always do my first oil change early. Did mine at 1,000 miles, then again at 2,500. After that, every 3,000 miles. Some will say it’s overkill, some won’t. Just my two cents.
RangerRendezvous said:
I always do my first oil change early. Did mine at 1,000 miles, then again at 2,500. After that, every 3,000 miles. Some will say it’s overkill, some won’t. Just my two cents.
Every 3k seems too much… why not every 1k then? Blackstone Labs says my oil is still good at 7k.
Never heard of Blackstone… what is it?
RangerRendezvous said:
Never heard of Blackstone… what is it?
They do oil testing. You send in a sample, and they tell you how your oil is holding up. Pretty cool. I started doing it when my car recommended longer oil change intervals. Oil tech has come a long way, so I trust the lab more than just old habits. That said, do whatever makes you comfortable!
Sounds interesting, I’ll check it out!
RangerRendezvous said:
I always do my first oil change early. Did mine at 1,000 miles, then again at 2,500. After that, every 3,000 miles. Some will say it’s overkill, some won’t. Just my two cents.
I agree with changing it early. Better safe than sorry!
Totally normal. That’s the oil life monitor, not oil level. Once it gets close to 0%, it’s time to change the oil. If you use the FordPass app, it’ll remind you around 20% to schedule a change. It’s best to get it done before hitting 0%.
I’d change it sooner than that… I do full synthetic every 5,000 miles. Turbo engines love fresh oil, and it’s way cheaper than replacing a turbo!
West said:
I’d change it sooner than that… I do full synthetic every 5,000 miles. Turbo engines love fresh oil, and it’s way cheaper than replacing a turbo!
I let Blackstone Labs test mine, and 7k is still good. Might push it further just to see.
If the lab says it’s still good, then go for it. My thinking is that as engines get older, they let more fuel past the rings, which can mess with the oil. So maybe longer intervals work early on, but later, you might want to shorten them. But yeah, people have argued about this forever!
My mechanic told me to change oil every 3,000 miles, so that’s what I do.
Jeffrey said:
My mechanic told me to change oil every 3,000 miles, so that’s what I do.
At the end of the day, do what makes you comfortable. But honestly, changing it that often is just wasting money.