2022 Ford Escape SE Headlights to Titanium Headlights?

Hi everyone, I recently bought a 2022 Ford Escape SE, but without the convenience package, so I don’t have the cool headlight strip that comes with the Titanium model. I’m thinking about buying a pair of Titanium headlights off eBay, and my dad offered to install them for me. However, we’re both unsure if the Titanium model headlights can be installed in the SE model.

I bought the car during college, and now that I’m a recent graduate, I don’t have the budget for a whole new car, but I’d love to make this modification.

If anyone knows whether this swap is possible or has done it before, I’d really appreciate any advice or direction on how to go about it. Thanks in advance!

I’ve seen this done before. While it might not be a straightforward plug-and-play, it’s definitely doable.

The biggest hurdle is likely going to be the wiring. You might need to add extra wiring or use a different harness to make the Titanium headlights compatible with your SE’s electrical system.