2017 Ford Escape A/C Intermittent Issue

I’m having an issue with the A/C in my 2017 Ford Escape where it sometimes doesn’t work in any position except for defrost. When this happens, the compressor doesn’t engage in the other settings. It’ll work fine for a few days, then stop working, only to randomly start working again later. I’ve also noticed that the outside temperature display is about 5 degrees Celsius higher than the actual temperature.

I’m planning to change the ambient air temperature sensor, but should I be looking at anything else that could be causing this issue? Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

A faulty sensor can mess with the climate control system and cause weird behavior.

While you’re at it, check the cabin air filter for clogs, as a dirty filter can also affect performance.

If replacing the sensor doesn’t solve the issue, you might have a problem with the climate control module or the blend door actuator.

Don’t forget to inspect the refrigerant levels too, as low refrigerant can cause similar symptoms.